- 476 million tonnes of coal
- 547 million tonnes of CO2 (more than Australia’s total annual emissions)
Whitehaven’s Winchester South project is the largest proposed green field coal mine in Australia. Whitehaven’s terrestrial ecology report for the project found that 314.5 hectares of koala habitat was identified to be cleared within the project area.
The project EIS (section 5 - Assessment of Matters of National Environmental Significance) identifies Koala as a species likely to be present on the proposed mine site and relevant to the project. Koala scats have been recorded in the project area and have been previously recorded immediately adjacent to the Study Area in association with the Olive Downs Project surveys.
Nine separate regional ecosystems that Koala food trees occur in have been identified within the mine project area. Potential Koala breeding and foraging habitat have been identified within the disturbance footprint of the mine, including remnant and regrowth Eucalyptus woodland with suitable Koala food trees.
The Winchester South proposed mine is located directly adjacent to the Olive Downs coal mine, which is currently under construction and approved to clear 5404.97 hectares of koala habitat. The Winchester South project will add more pressure on koala habitat in this region that is already subject to major clearance from the Olive Downs mine.